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  • MadelineArt

to the one who struggles with the dream

Why do I feel like I'm alone? I'm the only one who hasn't figure out what I want to be. Everyone seems to know what they want to be while I'm suffering If I can do it too. I can't see where I'm good at even if I'm trying my best.

Everyone is preparing for their future while I feel pressured for not even knowing what path should I take.

People are telling to take this and that because it pays well.

The world is too cruel to me.

Why do I need to stand with their standard?

I know that I will not be happy.

To you,

I understand that you've been having a hard time because of this, but I want to remind you that everyone has a different timeline.

It takes time to understand what we want to be, but remind yourself that His perfect timing will help you discover what you want to be.

For now, don't doubt yourself because you still don't know what path to take. Don't pressure yourself for being not good enough in the eyes of others. Life is not a competition to start with, celebrate with others if they already know their dream.

Remember that as time goes by, The Lord will let you know what career you should take, and as you grow your relationship with Him, you will know that you are capable of doing things through Him.

And one day, you will pursue your dreams,

you will excel in everything you do because the Lord is with you.

Your future is secured.

Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.


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